Lucky Duck Games has announced a collaboration with Tangerine Games to bring the bird-themed board game “Nestlings” from Kickstarter to retail stores. Nestlings, designed by Brandon Ohmie and illustrated by Nilanjan Malakar, offers players a cozy and strategic gaming experience with dice rolling, hand management, and set collection mechanics.
The players assume the roles of competing birds in four different biomes: Savannah, Alpine, Freshwater, and Desert. They make choices such as feeding Nestlings for immediate points, completing sections of their Resource Ring, activating end-of-game Nest Goals, or venturing to other biomes for valuable scraps.
Lucky Duck Games will release the English-language edition of Nestlings to retail stores after delivering it to its Kickstarter backers. Additionally, Lucky Duck Games’ Global Publishing Network will localize the game in other languages on behalf of Tangerine Games.
Bryan Brammer, Community and Facilitation Guru at Tangerine Games expressed excitement about the partnership, stating that it will allow Nestlings to reach markets and gamers beyond Kickstarter. Scott Morris, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer for Lucky Duck Games praised Nestlings’ enjoyable gameplay, decision-making, and beautiful artwork.
With the collaboration between the two companies, Nestlings will be available to board game enthusiasts worldwide. Stay tuned for the release of this charming avian adventure soon.