Stonemaier Games Announces Vantage Board Game

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Jamey Stegmaier, founder and one of the most prolific designers at Stonemaier Games, has announced his new board game called Vantage that it’s coming to retail some time in 2025.

The next step for the man behind board games such as Scythe, Rolling Reams, and the brilliant legacy game Charterstone is also his most ambitious design to date. Vantage is a game that combines open-world and roguelike adventure elements into an epic experience that lets players roam free across hundreds of interconnected locations.

It’s also a fully cooperative board game experience for 1-6 players, so you’ll get to join forces with your friends around the table. You’ll start at the spaceship and drop onto an unexplored planet where you’ll get separated from your teammates. It’s up to you to transmit information about your wherabouts to other players, but there’s a twist – you see the locations from the first-person perspective.

Vantage also sounds like an absolutely massive game. The publisher announced that the game will have almost 800 locations and over 1,300 careds in toal, which all sound like it’ll have impressive replayability. Stonemaier Games confirmed it’s not a campaign or a legacy game, with quick setup and 90-minute game time per session.

We’ll need to wait a bit for the publisher to reveal more information about the Vantage board game, probably at GenCon and Essen Spiel, but so far it sounds like an unmissable experience.